Turramurra High School Students Leaders
Mr ALISTER HENSKENS (Wahroonga) (21:31): It was my pleasure recently to attend the Turramurra High School Leadership Investiture Ceremony as we farewelled the outgoing student leadership team and welcomed the new team for 2024-25. The new school captains are Angus Lloyd, Thomas Reeves, Sophie Robinson and Jaya Singh. The senior prefects are Ella Bladen, Emilie Coe, Hayley Dinnis, Ani Kemmis, Angus Lloyd, Georgia Orlovich, Tom Reeves, James Robertson, Sophie Robinson, Jaya Singh, Bethany Tate and Rachel Yeung. The co-curricular music team includes Ryan Larkin, Ananya Prakash, Edward Tustian, Sofia Garofalo-Stock and Stephanie Berg. The new social justice group captains include Bethany Tate, Mayher Singh, Emily Carter, Naomi Bayl and Anneka Booth. Leo's Club leaders include Keshav Krishnan, Jaya Singh, Shinden Orie Chow, Jackson Shinfield and Bethany Tate. Congratulations to all of the students on their achievements. I look forward to seeing the wonderful work they do for Turramurra High.