Tribute to the Hon. Barrie Clive Hungerford QC
Mr ALISTER HENSKENS (Ku-ring-gai—Minister for Skills and Training, Minister for Science, Innovation and Technology, Minister for Enterprise, Investment and Trade, and Minister for Sport)—I regretfully inform the House of the recent passing of The Hon. Barrie Clive Hungerford QC from Wahroonga. Barrie was the former deputy president and judicial member of the Industrial Relations Commission of NSW. He began practising at the New South Wales Bar in 1976 and took silk in 1988. Subsequently, he was appointed judge of the Industrial Commission of NSW in 1989 and served with that court, followed by the Industrial Relations Commission. During his life he undertook a substantial and distinguished role in the development of law and its practical application to employment relationships, the resolution of collective disputes, occupational health and safety laws, and unfair work contracts. While he may be gone, Barrie's legacy lives on through his enormous contribution to NSW law and through his family. I extend my deepest condolences to Barrie's wife, Mrs Judith Anne Hungerford, his children, extended family, friends and colleagues. Vale Barrie Clive Hungerford.