Alister Henskens portrait
Alister Henskens portrait

Sydney Adventist Hospital


Mr ALISTER HENSKENS (Wahroonga) (13:31): Every 19 minutes an Australian will suffer a stroke, and more than 445,087 Australians are living with the effects of a stroke. This week is National Stroke Week, which encourages us to be aware of the signs of a stroke. Checking for the signs includes looking at someone's face and seeing whether their mouth has drooped, checking their arms and seeing whether they can lift them both, and listening to their speech and hearing whether it is slurred. Call 000 immediately if you believe someone is suffering a stroke. I was happy to hear that the San hospital in Wahroonga has been recognised for its high standard of stroke care. It joins a list of only 19 hospitals in Australia that have received official Stroke Unit certification from the Australian Stroke Coalition. In order to receive this certification, hospitals must consistently meet a set of national criteria to deliver the best possible stroke care to patients on a single dedicated ward. I congratulate the staff at the San for its many decades of great service to our community.